Awards & Scholarships

2023-24 ECCHS Awards Application

This is an application for Grade 12 students who have been accepted to post secondary institutions and have made contributions to student life through academics, arts, CTS courses, student leadership and volunteering in the broader community. All documentation must be submitted in file form. Please see Mr. Kendall in the office if you have questions about applying for ECCHS awards.

Application Submission Deadline: JUNE 1st

**Students can only submit one application**


ECCHS Scholarship Handbook

FOIP Consent

FOIP Consent - Notice of Activities


Awards Summaries - 2022-23

Click on the button below to read about the background of our ECCHS Scholarships and the stories of this year's recipients who applied for Awards.

Awards Night 2023

W. F. MacDonald Scholarship

The W. F. MacDonald Scholarship  is directed toward students who graduate in June and enter a post secondary program in the fall of the same year. There are actually two MacDonald Scholarships available, one for a student in an academic program and one for a student on a trades / technical training path. ECCHS students who have previously attended school in Bashaw, Bawlf, New Norway, or Daysland are eligible.  See Mr. Kendall for more information.

The Linton and Debbie Falk Scholarship - Agricultural

The Linton and Debbie Falk Scholarship is open to students who are graduating in the current year and are attending an agricultural program, or a program which supports agriculture, at a post-secondary institution located within Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba or Saskatchewan. See the links below for application information.

Falk Scholarship Application Form

Falk Scholarship Criteria & Selection Process

Robyn Gray Memorial Scholarship Application

The Robyn Gray Memorial Scholarship is open to new and existing post-secondary students who attended at least one year of high school in Camrose City or Camrose County.  This scholarship is for $1000 and can be applied for any year of post-secondary studies. To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must possess excellent leadership qualities that coincide with the beliefs of Rotary International.  Applicants must have a 75% minimum, or a 2.7 GPA.  A transcript will be required, as well as a reference letter. 

The deadline for this Scholarship is the first Friday in April.  Recipients are eligible to reapply and be awarded this scholarship for a maximum of 4 years post-secondary studies.


Robyn Gray Memorial Scholarship - Rotary

Schulich Leader Scholarship

Schulich Leader Scholarship for 1 graduating student - 50 engineering scholarships at $120K each and 50 science, tech, math scholarships @ $100K each.  Must be nominated by January 31. See Mr. Kendall for more details.


Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

  • Average of 75.0% to 79.9%
    in five courses - $300*

  • Average of 80% or higher
    in five courses - $400
  • Average of 75.0% to 79.9%
    in five courses - $500*

  • Average of 80% or higher
    in five courses - $800
  • Average of 75.0% to 79.9%
    in five courses - $700*

  • Average of 80% or higher
    in five courses - $1,300

Average is calculated from 5 designated courses
*Option/Career and Technology Studies (CTS) may also be considered (See below).

One of:
  • English 10-1, 10-2
  • Français 10-1 or 10-2
One of:
  • English 20-1, 20-2
  • Français 20-1 or 20-2
One of:
  • English 30-1, 30-2
  • Français 30-1 or 30-2
At least two of:
  • Mathematics 10C
  • Science 10
  • Social Studies 10-1 or 10-2
  • A language other than one used above at the Grade 10 level.
At least two of:
  • Mathematics 20-1, or 20-2
  • Chemistry 20
  • Physics 20
  • Science 20
  • Biology 20
  • Social Studies 20-1 or 20-2
  • A language other than one used above at the Grade 11 level.
At least two of:
  • Mathematics 30-1, 30-2 or 31
  • Science 30
  • Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2
  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30
  • Physics 30
  • A language other than one used above at the Grade 12 level.
Any two courses with minimum three credit value at Grade 10 level (1000 or 4000 series) including those listed above and combined option and introductory CTS courses. Any two courses with minimum three credit value at Grade 11 level (2000 or 5000 series) including those listed above and combined option and intermediate CTS courses. Any two courses with minimum five credit value at Grade 12 level (3000, 6000 or 9000 series) including those listed above and combined option and advanced CTS courses.