​Career And Life Management (CALM 20) is a vital component of comprehensive school health education. It emphasizes knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, competencies and values, and provides students with opportunities to enhance their capacities in problem solving, critical thinking and reflection.

Students require an understanding of self as the basis for making healthy choices, having healthy interactions with others and using resources wisely, as well as for lifelong career development. They also require information, planning tools and processes to make decisions and develop action plans for effective life management.

The CALM course approaches health issues in a coherent and holistic way. It is designed to improve students’ theoretical understanding of health issues and their ability to apply knowledge and skills to personal situations. Student participation is emphasized as they learn about careers, relationships, personal well-being, and finances as a means of preparing themselves for independent living.


Career and Life Management

3 Credits • Prerequisite: None
Successful completion of CALM 20 is a requirement for a high school diploma. Students learn about careers, relationships, personal well-being and finance as a means of preparing themselves for independent living.